class Crirc::Protocol::Message


Message is the object that parse the raw TCP body as a IRC message.

Message are a IRC core part. They contain a command, the arguments, and the message (last argument in the IRC protocol).

TODO improve the message to appear in as the last argument. cf: fast_irc

Defined in:


Constant Summary

R_ARG = "(?: (?<arg>#{R_ARG_ONE}(?: #{R_ARG_ONE})*))"
R_ARG_ONE = "(?:[^: ][^ ]*)"
R_CMD = "(?<cmd>[A-Z]+|\\d{3})"
R_MSG = "(?: \\:(?<msg>.+)?)"
R_SRC = "(\\:(?<src>[^[:space:]]+) )"


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def #

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Instance Method Detail

def argument_list : Array(String) #

The arguments formated into an Array.

msg.argument_list # => ["user1", "+0"]

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def arguments : String? #

The arguments as a string ("user1 +0", "pingmessage", ...)

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def command : String #

The command ("PRIVMSG", "PING", ...)

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def message : String? #

The last argument when ":" ("This is a privmsg message", ...)

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def raw : String #

Raw message without parsing

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def raw_arguments : String #

Concatenation of #arguments and #message. If the message exists, it is preceded by ':'

msg.raw_arguments # => "user1 +0 :do something"

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def source : String #

Source of the message (ex: "0", "abc@xyz", ...)

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